Pick The First That Comes To Your Mind!

Can a shell describe your personality and future?

With summer just around the corner this quiz let my imagination to travel to a beautiful beach! It will take a few seconds of your time and you will have some useful information about yourself and your future!
Take a look at the three shells pictured above, which one are you most attracted to? Avoid picking you favorite color, go with the one you are drawn to the most in this very moment. Be confident, Don’t second guess your decision!

Shell 1
This shell is very different on the back as to what it’s like inside. On the outside it is rough with spikes protruding, to protect the creature which once inhabited this shell. It was once white on the outside but now is mostly brown/grey from a plaque buildup from living in the sea.

It’s difficult to see from the photo, but the inside of this shell is smooth, light brown, with a beautiful soft apricot color inside.

If you chose this shell, it indicates that you have weathered the storms and you are now much stronger and wiser for the experience. You do wear the scars however but this is something that doesn’t need to be permanent. Like the plaque on the shell, it can be washed off. You are a sensitive and gentle being and protection has been necessary for you and is necessary for you.

I feel that you find it difficult to be around negative people, and you need to limit your time with those who are negative to protect your own delicate nature. And yes, I can hear what you’re saying, sometimes it’s not possible to stay completely away from those who are negative – perhaps it’s a family member, someone at work or even a client. In this case, it’s important to use some kind of protection ritual, such as imagining yourself in a cocoon of white light, asking the angels to protect you – Archangel Michael can assist with his blue cloak of protection.

Or perhaps imagine mirrors around you, reflecting that negativity back but transmuting it into love.
Know that the angels love you and want you to be able to keep your own energy – not feeling drained from those who feed off your beautiful energy. Make sure you get plenty of alone time to renew and build your energy back up. You would also benefit from some energetic healing as well.

Shell 2
This shell is more smooth on the outside than it is on the inside. It shows in the photo the ridges which expand from the base out to the top… almost like rays of sunshine beaming out. And like this shell, you beam oodles of light out to those you come into contact with. I feel you do need to be careful that you don’t spread yourself too thin and become resentful and hard from giving too much to people. Learn to say ‘No’ once in a while. This does not mean for you to stop sending out that beautiful ray of light to people, just be aware of your own needs and set boundaries for yourself. You’re important too and need to be aware that receiving is just as important as giving – balance is the key.

This shell has great symmetry and like the shell, you like everything to be just right in your world, simple, balanced or otherwise you tend to suffer from stress or worry. I feel that you would benefit from structure, routine, organization, writing to-do lists. But know that things don’t have to be perfect all the time. Learn to go with the flow of life.

I feel that you do strive for perfection which leads to disappointment when you feel you don’t measure up. Know that you are good enough, whether you believe it or not. Perhaps look at striving for excellence instead of perfection as excellence is more easily attainable and won’t leave you feeling you’re not good enough.

Shell 3
This shell is smooth all over with a beautiful pattern of spots on the outside. There is a slight crack in the shell which I didn’t notice straight away. Inside it has teeth like structure which almost warns, stay out of my home.

If you chose this shell, it indicates that it’s time to let go of something that no longer serves you. You feel the leopard can’t change its spots, but I beg to differ. You can change if you really set your mind to it. It’s a choice that only you can make – no one can make it for you.

Even if you feel that life has thrown you a curve ball and this is your lot in life, don’t give your power to someone else. When you allow others to take the reigns of your life, you give them the power to create your life. Instead, take the reigns and create the life you want.

Perhaps you need to shed some limited beliefs based on childhood experiences. Perhaps you need to let go of the past hurts and forgive so you can move on, really creating the life you deserve. Perhaps you need to speak up or have been speaking up but instead of it coming from a place of love, the words have come from a place of hurt, anger, sadness, frustration. Ask the angels to help you when speaking up… allow the angels to guide your words, so they come from a place of love – from the heart.

Even with the crack, this shell is still beautiful. The crack does not go all the way through – just sitting on the surface. So bring yourself back to your soul essence and shed what no longer serves you on the surface.

What do you think of your choice? Satisfied or disappointed...Don't forget it's only a quiz and we are the only responsible for our choices in life and its primary impetus! Have a nice day!

Sources: Sun Gazing, WavesDVDcom: Relax Music Waves Videos

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