A great idea that works well!
For those who love camping or for all of us who might be in case of emergency this life hack is very easy to implement and you'll have a small stove!
The supplies needed for this are easy to find and of course really cheap! Counting: 2 soda (aluminum) cans, one nail, alcohol and fiberglass, a marker and a pair of scissors or cutter.
The step by step procedure is shown in the pictures below:
First you have to use the marker to make the appropriate dots and lines on the cans and then to cut the two coke tin cans into two bottom parts, then you poke holes along the bottom edge of one of the cans. With the sand paper you can smooth the edges of the can after you have cut it.
Before nesting the two halves together (top into the bottom) you have to place inside the fiberglass to absorb the alcohol and act as a wick.
At the end you pure some alcohol into the concave cavity and your stove is ready to work!
Don't forget the lighter!
Make sure you don't do that inside the house without taking precautions! It is very practical and it can help you in case of an emergency and of course it is really useful for camping and hiking lovers! Enjoy crafting and always with caution!
Architecture and DesignShare this hack with your friends and family!
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