Stop by an IKEA showroom in the near future and you’re likely to encounter something even more adorable than assemble-it-yourself bed frames and cabinets. The Swedish furniture giant recently partnered with the Animal Lovers League Shelter and the Save Our Street Dogs shelter to help connect Americans with another home essential: a loving pet. It’s always best to adopt a pet, but animal shelters have precious few resources to spread the word about available animals. To help, IKEA is treating shelter dogs to professional photography sessions, then placing their images in popular showrooms to encourage adoption.

Each dog has a unique QR code tagged to its collar, which will lead interested shoppers and adopters directly to the adoption site for more information. So you might walk in looking for a Hemnes chest of drawers or Ektorp couch, and leave with a new best friend.
It is definitely a great project…in fact my IKEA futon would look a lot better with a dog on it…LOL
Home for hopeShare this amazing promotion with your friends and family in case they are looking for furniture or a puppy!
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