High Technology Mysteries Of Ancient World...Will Make You Wonder!

While archaeology may not seem like the most exciting profession in the world, it certainly has its moments. Of course, you won’t be excavating mummies everyday but on occasion you may find yourself face to face with some fairly intense artifacts. Whether they are ancient computers, ancient batteries, or just gruesome maps, these are some of most mysterious archaeological discoveries in human history...

I have put together a list of some of the most remarkable and interesting discoveries that captured my attention.

There are so many ancient artifacts from the past that still perplex us today. How did ancient civilizations create such intricate and advanced technologies? There are so many mysteries surrounding humanities past that we are finally becoming aware of. There seems to be a lot more going on than meets the eye…

1. The London Artifact
This artifact is speculated to be so extremely old that part of the wooden handle has turned to coal. Coal is known to take millions of years to form, so then how is this possible? How old could this strange artifact actually be?

2. The Fuente Magna Bowl
This is one of the most controversial artifacts in South America. It is a large stone bowl, similar to a container for making libations, baptisms or for purification ceremonies. Found by a villager near Lake Titicaca, the engraved writing lining the bowl is thought to be Sumerian!

3. The Hidden Character Stone
This stone is located in a scenic area in Zhangbu village, China. This incredible carving is thought to be a staggering 270 million years old?! There are different versions of the writing that essentially translates to “Communist Party of China”.

4. The Antikythera Mechanism
This is an incredible 2,000-year-old astronomical calculator built by ancient Greeks! This spectacular mechanism is far more advanced than anything that was built in the following ten thousand years or so. How did they have the knowledge to create something so intricate?

5. Lake Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone
The stone’s age, purpose, and origin are unknown. It was found in the late 1800s by a few working men digging a fence post. The carvings on one side of the stone show an image of corn and several other unknown figures. The other side is more abstract, featuring pictures of arrows, a moon, some dots and a spiral. What do you think these mean?

6. The Voynich Manuscript
This artifact is astonishing because it’s origins and language are completely unknown and is said to be the handwritten diary of an alien! Packed full of plant life, strange symbolism and diagrams, it is covered in a mysterious language that can’t be traced back to any known civilization.

7. The Giant Dinosaur Eggs
These are crazy fossilized eggs that were found in Russia with an unknown exact origin. We think they date way back to an amazing 60 million years ago! Scientists suggest it was laid by a very large prehistoric reptile, but the exact species that laid the eggs still remains a mystery…

8. The Baghdad Batteries
Alright this is a good one. These 2,000 year old batteries were found in Khujut Rabu just outside Baghdad. People were creating batteries that long ago?! These artifacts show that our people of the past were so much smarter than we give them credit for. These batteries were able to create a low current electrical stream to power – what exactly?

9. The Piri Reis Map
This is a strange world map designed in 1513 by Piri Reis. It was created far before any kind of aerial viewing technology existed. The map shows parts of the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica. How is this possible?! Hot air balloons? Remote viewing? You be the judge!

10. The Stone Spheres of Costa Rica
There is an assortment of over 3,000 perfectly carved rounded stones. There is no solid explanation as to why, how, or when they were placed there. How did these balls get carved so smoothly without the use of any advanced technology? There is so much more going on in our world than we are being taught.
Puzzling ancient finds have a way of captivating the public, perhaps because it's just too easy to dream up interesting explanations for how and why things exist!
Do you think discoveries like these should be discussed in schools more openly? When we can see the value in showing all angles of humanities past – then we can collectively put the puzzle pieces of Earth’s past together.

Source: The Spirit Science

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