The Most Unselfish Love...Drawn By An Orphan! I Am In Tears...

The following video is a short film from Indian director Navin Kumar.
Chalk is a beautiful, poignant, and true story of what one man experienced in Iraq during wartime. It is not a personal account. Instead, it speaks for someone whose cries cannot be heard: a young boy.
At first glance, the child appears normal. He looks healthy, he is dressed properly, and he is in school. However, at recess, it becomes clear the little one is very lonely, and the truth is more heartbreaking than you’d expect.
When a school aide sees the little boy pick up a piece of chalk, he walks over to check on him. What he finds left me speechless. The little boy drew a picture of his mother.
According to Navin Kumar, Director, “We wanted the film to reach people and touch the deepest part of heart and stay there forever, so that their brains react to it and they come ahead with the term “adoption” and abolish the term “orphan.”

Love with your heart. Allow the mind to follow. There is no scale on love themes. Much or little. Whether sincerely love or not. Love is the means of integration. Reshapes personality. If the offer generously, if the share selflessly, the collection will be unexpectedly high.
Winning at all levels.

Credits: nvnkmr

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