The Model Pranksters decided to get out on the street and find some homeless people and offer them the opportunity to gain some money if they were willing to participate in a rather peculiar contest! In order to make a 100 dollars bill their own they had to arm wrestle...That of course at first seems a bit annoying and even insulting to take people in need up to their limits just for fun. But first impression isn't always a successful one...wait until you watch all this enlightening footage. This is beyond the imagination both the creators' of the video and yours! Find out how a person despite the difficulties he is facing still remains HUMAN and has a morality that everyone would be jealous of!

‘Feed the needy, not the greedy‘. What a meaningful message! It’s certainly made us think about things…
I really liked the part when they left together like old buddies, even though they haven't known each other! From now on they will definitely face difficulties together! It's a relief to join people even under the most peculiar circumstances!
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