These 20 People Are About To Feel Serious Pain. But They Sorta Have It Coming, LOL.

More people need to see what these 20 stupid people got caught while on the job. No, it’s not something as mundane as taking a nap or playing 100 levels of Candy Crush, it’s how they decided to do their jobs. If more people see this list, maybe more employees in various HR departments would start to be less skeptical about workers compensation claims . It’s simple: lots of people are crazy enough to do this kind of stuff… and experience the usually violent consequences soon after.

And they are all about to have a case of the ouchies.

1. What? Lean out the window? That’s crazy talk!
2. It’s so wrong, I’m not sure what could go right.
4. At least he had the sense to NOT wear his new shoes. They could get dirty.
5. Here’s hoping he wore a belt to work that day.
6. I don’t even…
7. A magazine page does not a welder’s mask make.
8. This was almost an okay idea.
9. Someone please teach this man how to jack up a car (and stop stupidly using his apparent super strength).
10. Who needs the circus when you can see stuff like this on the street?
11. “You’re right, Fred, nothing CAN go wrong!”
12. You can get a good jack for like, $30, people.
14. Don’t worry, they’re on the highway. They’re going way too fast for someone to fall out.
15. The guy in the middle has the right idea. He needs to learn how to speak up.
16. Baller carpenter.
17. Hey, guys, it’s okay. He is being held up by a string.
18. Why does everyone thing ladder on ladder action is a good idea?
19. Again, with the sewer dangling?!
20. Haters gonna hate.

Now, we don’t recommend doing any of these things (obviously). In fact, I can’t even figure out how they came up with the ideas. After a few hundred people get hurt from using the “ladder on a ladder” idea, you’d think someone would understand that it’s not a good idea.

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